Sun Rising opens with colloquial tone with the poet rebuking sun for
intruding upon his private room and disturbing his pleasant moments of intimacy
with his beloved. Then the poet in a sardonic tone belittles the mundane
activities which are subject to change and immortalizes his love: “Love, all
alike, no season knows, nor clime, / Nor hours, days, months, which are the
rags of time.” His love is the real experience. Everything compared to it is a
mere counterfeit: “…compared to this, / All honour’s mimic, all wealth
alchemy”. Finally their private world of love transcends the mundane reality
and becomes self-contained, complete and the microcosm of the world. So the
poet advises the sun: “Shine here to us, and thou art everywhere; / This bed
thy centre is, these walls, thy sphere.”. Though the poet here speaks of higher
love that transcends earthly reality, the poem smacks of an implied eroticism.
The poet celebrates higher love. “But it must reach out”, A.E. Dyson and Julian
Lovelock remarks, “beyond the bedroom if it is to carry conviction, to clearer loyalties,
stronger renunciations of erotic possessiveness, than this poem affords”
Go and Catch a Falling Star, the poet in a bitterly cynical tone
subverts the romantic concept of courtly love and deification of lady-love. He
speaks of the impossibility of finding a truly sacred woman. It is the most
bizarre thing in the world to find a pure woman: “All strange wonders that
befell thee, / And swear / Nowhere / Lives a woman true and fair”.
in the two poems Donne reveals his two completely different attitudes to love
and its treatment. Sometimes Donne considers love as a divine experience and
sometimes he sets it in ground reality. In this respect we can quote Louis
Martz who said in his essay John Donne: Love’s Philosophy: “ His best
poems are not those which move toward either extreme…but they are rather those
in which the physical and the spiritual are made to work together, through the
curiously shifting and winding manner that marks Donne’s movements toward
Truth”. This shows that Neoplatonism which was in vogue in Renaissance in England
influenced Donne to some extent.
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